2015 Sale Results

Lot 15 - Medway Vicinity -
Top price bull $17,000 selling to John Atkinson of Glenavon Stud
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72 Bulls sold at an average of $5,208.00
with a 97% clearance, top of $17,000.
A quality lineup of 74 Droughtmaster bulls representing seven Central Queensland studs went under the hammer at the inaugural BullZeye Droughtmaster Sale in Capella last Thursday.
A good crowd and strong local support saw 72 bulls sell to a top of $17,000 and average $5208.00
Hastings and Sandra Donaldson and family, Medway Droughtmasters offered the top priced bull, Medway Vicinity, which was sold to John Atkinson, Glenavon Droughtmasters, Yaamba. Weighing in at 832kg, the 24-month-old son of Glenavon Murdoch boasted the largest eye muscle area in the catalogue at 144sq.cm, and measured 12mm P8 fat, 10mm rib fat and a 41.5cm scrotal circumference.
Mr Atkinson said a photo of the bull caught his eye, and upon receiving a verbal report and seeing the scan results, he decided the bull fitted his criteria. “I was looking for an early maturing bull. He has a big eye muscle area, no coarseness, and a beautiful coat type”. said Mr Atkinson. “He will also bring in some outside blood on the dam’s side”. The bull will join a single sire herd in the Glenavon bull breeding program.
Medway Vandyke was the next bull to sell and also the next top price, with Colin Furnie, Furnie Cattle Company, Blackwater purchasing the 23-month-old poll for $16,000. Sired by Medway Queenslander, the youngster tipped the scales at 744kg, measured 10mm and 7mm in the rump and rib respectively, 125sq.cm in the eye muscle and a 37cm scrotal circumference.
Andrew and Kerri McKenzie’s Hamadra Errol was next in the money, selling to Ted Murphy, Tayglen Pastoral Company, Dysart for $14,000. The Yaralla Kinsley son weighed 808kg at 24 months of age, measured a 42cm scrotal circumference, scanned 9mm and 7mm in the rump and rib and 130sq.cm in the eye muscle area. Mr Murphy walked away with three bulls in total, including the $11,000 Needmor Bang-a-Rang.
The Dunne family, Tarcoola, Dingo took home the $12,000 Medway Vibrant as well as the $9,000 Hamadra Eskimo. B & V Childs, Glenlands, Bouldercombe purchased Comanche Go-Master from SC Droughtmasters for $10,000.
Volume buyer was S & J Donaldson, Mt Ball, Sapphire, who purchased ten bulls at an average of $3000. Oak Park Pastoral Company, Capella took home six bulls averaging $4000 and BS & JM Bauman purchased five for an average of $6300.
Sale coordinator Kerri McKenzie was very happy with the results of the sale. “The vendors put forward a quality line of stud and commercial bulls. It’s a credit to all of them”.
To all buyers, under bidders, sponsors, and all our tireless helpers both with the cattle & catering, you have all helped make our Sale Day a success,
Thank You very much.