"Bullzeye" a sale that brings together some of Queensland's leading Droughtmaster genetics.
The vendors have a common goal which is to provide Central Qld with bullock bulls that keep to the basics 'red meat, fertility, temperament & price'.
The sale name 'BullZeye' was chosen as our vendors are all focused on beef production and targeting all markets and locations. We are all dedicated in bringing to you a selection of top quality stud and commercial bulls in the CQ area.
Nine vendors have joined forces and will be offering 80 Stud and Commercial bulls at the Nebo Saleyards on Saturday, 11 October 2025. Vendors included in this year’s sale are Hamadra, Sugerland, SC (formerly known as Comanche), Ramardoo, Lazy A, Kalbar, Waylanbar, Waylanbar J Droughtmasters & Sommer Stud Droughtmasters.
Feel free to contact our agents Grant Daniel and Long; contact details on the Agents page.
Thank You.
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